
Imagination is more powerful than knowledge… but knowledge doesn’t hurt.

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Modernizing technology due diligence

Modernizing technology due diligence

InsightsFor sustainable valueAt a glance:   Global M&A activity declined for the fourth consecutive quarter, falling 32.2% in deal value from the peak in Q4 2021. Downward pressure on multiples, means that value creation is becoming increasingly important to the...

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How to apply agile principles

How to apply agile principles

InsightTo lean manufacturingAt Inspire11, we believe that mixing domain expertise enables us to deliver novel solutions for our clients. The result of this thinking is greater throughput with improved quality and is often associated with a lower total cost-to-value...

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Speed in the cloud

Speed in the cloud

Insight3 considerations for cloud transformation planningTraditional hardware procurement cycles last weeks to months. The cloud allows technologists to deploy new resources in a matter of minutes, with just a few keystrokes. This allows newfound freedom at...

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The value of cloud-based technology

The value of cloud-based technology

InsightWhat makes new better?When we hear cloud-based technology described words like "new" and "modern" often make their way into the conversation.These are statements of fact; cloud technology is new – but new doesn’t prove any inherent value. What makes cloud...

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The power of hybrid data and design teams

The power of hybrid data and design teams

InsightExperts say that we are now in “Big Data: Phase 3”, which feels kind of arbitrary because we immediately wonder: “Did we miss some kind of announcement that we were done with Phases 1 and 2?”Among the characteristics of this Phase 3 are (allegedly) Context- and...

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Fostering continuous learning within digital transformation

Fostering continuous learning within digital transformation

InsightOne of the many interesting ways that digital transformation shows up is in the patterns and paradigms we're all used to.By way of example, how many times have we all heard, in response to news of an evolving situation, the call for training? Probably often...

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A guide to the digital product journey

A guide to the digital product journey

InsightFrom ideation to market launchDeveloping and scaling digital products that meet customers where they are is an art and science that has the potential to yield new levels of growth for people and organizations.Digital Products: Current StateAccording to Gartner,...

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Risk mitigation techniques in project management

Risk mitigation techniques in project management

Insight Risk mitigation techniques in project management Through the PINE frameworkWouldn't it be great if every project went according to plan?Of course, but unfortunately, no plan survives its first contact with reality. Projects hit snags. It’s no fun, but it...

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2023 Experience design trends

2023 Experience design trends

Insight 2023 experience design trends The year of trustworthy designIn Brief  There are eight experience design trends that will affect the successful adoption of digital products in 2023 – and they are affected by an underlying societal and market force. Users have...

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