Greater impact and opportunity for all.
Organizations have a responsibility to take an active role in building the communities that they live and work in. At Inspire11, we take that responsibility seriously. We work, play, and contribute in the communities where we are based—sharing our time and expertise with others who do the same. Not because our offices are there, but because it’s home.
The power of eleven
Organization supported
Dollars committed
Building future organizations
Macro impact through micro loans
We envision a more equitable society where everyone can be self-sufficient and thriving. That’s why we invest holistically in communities and organizations without access to traditional funding opportunities.
The Inspire11 Macro Impact through Micro Loans program is aimed at promoting equity in Chicago by providing three local entrepreneurs with up to $15,000+ in funds and professional services to help grow their businesses. The program specifically targets communities and entrepreneurs who might have a difficult time with traditional funding sources; this includes businesses run by minorities, women, and immigrants.
Empowering future game-changers
The Eleven Scholarship
We believe that true innovation and radical impact are only achieved when people with a diversity of cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds and life experiences are given equal opportunity to education and application of their talent.
The Eleven Scholarship supports underrepresented minorities and first-generation college students to secure access to higher education. In addition to financial support, we pair each recipient with an Inspire11 mentor aligned to their field of study.
Living our values
We encourage all Elevens to take an active role in building the communities that they live and work in. It’s an important part of who we are.
As part of our commitment to both our employees and the community, Inspire11 will make a $500 donation to a charity selected by each employee annually.